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Unboxing the Queenzears—in Queenzenglish

Unboxing the Queenzears—in Queenzenglish


Kyoo Lee
Kyoo Lee with Amy Evans Bauer (annotator)
Kyoo Lee with Laura Wetherington (annotator)



Reprint from:
Kyoo Lee, “Unboxing the Queenzears—in Queenzenglish”; Kyoo Lee with Amy Evans Bauer (annotator), “Unboxing the Queenzears—in Queenzenglish”; Kyoo Lee with Laura Wetherington (annotator), “Unboxing the Queenzears—in Queenzenglish”, in Queenzenglish.mp3: poetry | philosophy | performativity, edited by Kyoo Lee, 2020, New York: Roof Books.


Kyoo Lee, Kyoo Lee with Amy Evans Bauer, Kyoo Lee with Laura Wetherington

Kyoo “Q” Lee is a transdisciplinary traveler, thinker, reader, writer, and the author of Reading Descartes Otherwise (Fordham University Press, 2013) and Writing Entanglish (Belladonna*, 2015). She teaches philosophy, gender studies, and justice studies at the City University of New York (CUNY).

Amy Evans Bauer is a poet and sound artist based in London. She is the author of the five-chapbook poetic sequence Collecting Shells (Oystercatcher/Shearsman, 2011-2020) and the artist’s book The Report of the Iraq Enquiry: Poetic Summary (Larynx/Shearsman, 2017).

Laura Wetherington is a poet and educator. She is the author of A Map Predetermined and Chance (Fence Books, 2011), selected by C. S. Giscombe for the National Poetry Series. She teaches in Sierra Nevada College’s low-residency MFA program and lives in Eindhoven, Netherlands.