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The political background of a disavowal: Comments on the rejection of the article 5 § 2 constitutional amendment

The political background of a disavowal: Comments on the rejection of the article 5 § 2 constitutional amendment


Athina Papanagiotou




Facing the challenge of revising the wording of the Constitution and including the prohibition of discrimination on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, the prevailing opinion of the members of the Greek Parliament invoked the universality of human rights. The amendment was rejected. What stories does this persistent disavowal and this need for stiff wording seek to suppress? The stories of those who were asked to respond to the amendment proposal or the stories of those who would be included by the new wording?

Athina Papanagiotou

Athina Papanagiotou has studied law in the University of Athens and holds an MA in gender studies from the Panteion University. She works as a postdoctoral researcher in the research project “ANTISOMATA. Antigones: Bodies of resistance in the contemporary world”. Her doctoral research (Democritus University and Birkbeck Law School) problematizes the traditional interpretative methodology of law and explores the critical potentialities of legal interpretation, deploying Derridean deconstruction and focusing on the recognition of same-sex partnership. Her main research interests lie at the intersections of critical legal theory, political theory, feminist and queer theory, relationality, biopolitics.